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Common Lisp HyperSpec を眺める (2) yes-or-no-p

Common Lisp HyperSpec のシンボルを眺めたり評価したりしています。今日は yes-or-no-p です。 y-or-n-p もほぼ同じ関数のようです。

Function Y-OR-N-P, YES-OR-NO-P


y-or-n-p &optional control &rest arguments => generalized-boolean

yes-or-no-p &optional control &rest arguments => generalized-boolean

Arguments and Values:

control---a format control.

arguments---format arguments for control.

generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.


These functions ask a question and parse a response from the user. They return true if the answer is affirmative, or false if the answer is negative.

y-or-n-p is for asking the user a question whose answer is either ``yes'' or ``no.'' It is intended that the reply require the user to answer a yes-or-no
question with a single character. yes-or-no-p is also for asking the user a question whose answer is either ``Yes'' or ``No.'' It is intended that the
reply require the user to take more action than just a single keystroke, such as typing the full word yes or no followed by a newline.

y-or-n-p types out a message (if supplied), reads an answer in some implementation-dependent manner (intended to be short and simple, such as reading a
single character such as Y or N). yes-or-no-p types out a message (if supplied), attracts the user's attention (for example, by ringing the terminal's
bell), and reads an answer in some implementation-dependent manner (intended to be multiple characters, such as YES or NO).

If format-control is supplied and not nil, then a fresh-line operation is performed; then a message is printed as if format-control and arguments were
given to format. In any case, yes-or-no-p and y-or-n-p will provide a prompt such as ``(Y or N)'' or ``(Yes or No)'' if appropriate.

All input and output are performed using query I/O.


 (y-or-n-p "(t or nil) given by")
>>  (t or nil) given by (Y or N) Y
=>  true
 (yes-or-no-p "a ~S message" 'frightening) 
>>  a FRIGHTENING message (Yes or No) no
=>  false
 (y-or-n-p "Produce listing file?") 
>>  Produce listing file?
>>  Please respond with Y or N. n
=>  false

Side Effects:

Output to and input from query I/O will occur.

Affected By:


Exceptional Situations: None.

See Also:



yes-or-no-p and yes-or-no-p do not add question marks to the end of the prompt string, so any desired question mark or other punctuation should be
explicitly included in the text query.

The following X3J13 cleanup issue, not part of the specification, applies to this section:


ユーザーに何か尋ねるときに使う関数のようです。返り値は T または NIL 。第一引数に、質問内容をあらわすメッセージを文字列で与え、 FORMAT の書式を与えることもでき、その場合は第二引数以降に埋め込む値を並べる。


  (print "How are you?")
  (if (yes-or-no-p)
      (print "Good.")
      (print "Bless you.")))