@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.



おすすめミステリーまとめ的なのの常連なので読んでみたけど、いまいちだった。というかこれのどこがミステリーなんだ?という感じ。文体も軽薄で好きになれなかった。 葉桜の季節に君を想うということ (文春文庫) 作者:歌野 晶午 出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋…


My last working day of this year was yesterday. Today I moved from Tokyo with my cats, to my wife's home town. From today, we will stay there and take rest. The picture is my younger cat at wife's home.

You’re no longer open to opportunities

I got an email from LinkedIn. It let me know that my status in LinkedIn was automatically changed. It makes sense because I haven't replied to many messages yet. But I got demotivated because it means I don't have enough energy even just f…

風邪ひいて声が出ないと英語の練習ができなくて困る。日課をこなせることが小さな楽しみでもあったので楽しみを奪われて余計に気も滅入る。 手持ちのカードと情報を元手にいろいろ考えてベストな役を作ろうとするそばから、強い手札が消えていったりこれまで…

Awful nasal voice 2

Getting worse than yesterday. Throat pain is recovering. Had a discussion session with dozens of people, again. It's too hard to have them same understanding, but I can't believe why it's so hard? It is super boring work. Totally sense of …

Awful nasal voice

It's been a long time since I caught a cold last time. Everyone leave me behind. The situation looks like a catastrophe. Maybe I can maintain it. Maybe I should. But why I, only who gets left behind, should do that?

Catch a cold?

Since Saturday, I have felt strong pain of throat. I had nasal congestion and cough too, so that it was hard to practice speaking English.

Day 30th

I finished my 30 days challenge. Actually I had to skip one day because I felt very bad at the day. I did some cheat, too. But anyway, 30 days had passed, and now I have 30 or so blog posts. Day 30th was kinda normal. I had a fun chat with…


Practice Paradise 30 日練習できたことになるらしい。本当か?というか、もう一ヶ月経ったことが信じられない。 動画で発音の練習をしても本当に発音が改善されたのかはわからないので、久しぶりにReal英会話も使い始めたが、 Chad のレッスンに比べてだい…


戦略、方針、組織、人事、予算。そんなんばっか。はっ、何言ってんだ、って感じ。 来期のコスト試算とかは、これまでやったことがないので、単純に「自分にとって新しい経験である」という点のみにおいては一定の面白さを感じているのは事実だ。しかし決して…


Today I took the day off. I went to Hospital just for making reservation of inspection. I wrote this diary by voice input. But since my pronunciation is bad, Siri sometimes recognized my English sentences as katakana Japanese.

30 days streaks of English speaking practice

Really? I can't believe it. But if it's correct, I did it, even sometimes it was only 3 minutes of practice at a day. I don't know if I can make any improvements, but I noticed one change. I got more conscious (nervous?) about my pronuncia…

Google Nest Mini

As a YouTube Premium member, I got an offer that I can get free Google Nest Mini. I already have one Google Home Mini (and I got another one as a hand souvenir of A Google event, I gave it to my father), new Google Nest Mini seems better t…

Low energy

No motivation, no passion, no energy. LinkedIn has a feature that user can show their job seeking status. In addition that, user can select job titles they are interested in. Last month I turned it on, and I selected CTO as one of the job …


This night I will meet ex-colleagues. I will remind good memories, but it turns out that old good (and no good) people had left from us. It also will remind me that many people I feel connected leaves from us. I gets isolated day by day. I…

Sleep, housekeeping

Cheat again.. It's hard to finish day at midnight. Last night I stayed up late. I read a comic. Because of that, I slept almost all of day time at Sunday. I regretted it because the weather was so nice. I missed to take photo in recent wee…


自宅に届いたので Vitality のアプリに結果を入力した。これをやると最大1万ポイントもらえて保険料が上がらずに済む。 悪玉コレステロールの数値だけ少し高かったが、 Vitality の基準値の範囲内ではあったらしく、ポイントは満額もらえた。 あと231日で702…


Today I slept all the day. I watched a movie at afternoon, but I couldn't finish. I have been trying an algorithm problem, but it is too difficult for me, even it's ranked as Easy level.

Suit day 2

This is cheat, too. I'm writing it at 2:36 12/14. Today I wore suit again. I might want to buy another wallet or money clip. It was busy week. I opened Wantedly People and saw timeline of my business connection happened in past. It remembe…

Suit day

Today I attended an award ceremony. The venue was highly formal place, so that I went there, wearing suit with tie. However, some people were wearing casual clothes like foodie and sneakers. By the way, I did a short speech, and took a sho…

English speaking muscles

This post is a cheat. I'm writing this post at 1:32 am Dec 12. I have three challenges for making habits. One is this post, next is "practice speaking English every day", last is secret (because Derek Sivers said to keep secret one's dream…

Getting better

My health is getting better. But work is still burden. I have to make dozens of people's thoughts towards the right direction in limited time. Unfortunately, regarding one of the big issues, key people seem having very different (and wrong…

ある全社的な課題について、 社長から「部長を中心に各部で意見を取りまとめよ」との命が下り、 かつ「お前の部門はあちらの部門と関わりが深いのだから部長間で連携せよ」とも言われていたので、 自部門のメンバーを集めた議論の場を設けて意見を集め、 か…

Terrible weekend

Yesterday my stomach was completely broken. I couldn't eat, I couldn't move. Finally in Sunday midnight I was getting better little by little.

Medical checkup for cats

Today I and my wife took my cats to the animal clinic. It was annual medical checkup. Younger cat got vaccination too. We will go to the clinic again next week to hear the results.

Missed to post

Yesterday I wrote a diary. I thought to post it, but somehow I missed to post. When I opened blogging app, the editor with text appeared, but I already closed it, so that I lost the text. Actually, what I wrote yesterday is, it was long da…


Preparation was hard. The taste of laxative was not good. I felt nausea a bit, but I could hasitate it. Inspection itself went well. Although the condition of colon was not perfect, overall it was good, as my doctor said. Thanks to painkil…


昨年の秋以来。 前日の昼飯から、消化に良いもの縛り、夜も早めに済ませなくてはならず、どちらも素うどんという味気なさ。夜は下剤を飲み、検査当日も朝早くから下剤を飲む。モビプレップは1.5Lまで飲まなければならなかった。自宅で数時間かけて飲んでる最…

Day before an inspection

Tomorrow I will have a inspection of colon. It is for the first time in a year. I only can eat foods like Udon today. I have to drink laxative from early morning tomorrow. It's nightmare. Today I have a super stressful work. I'm not sure i…

Give up

I can't continue what I'm doing anymore. It's too stressful to keep doing as daily job. People only see the surface of the problem, and say what they just come up with. I has been thinking it again and again and again already. It's over. I…