@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.


#5, Basic Ch.1, Act.6

Today's lesson was hard for me. I think I should choose teacher who has strong leadership. dawn 夜明け、あけぼの 終わり際に Good morning と言われたので「朝じゃなくて midnight だよ日本では」と言ったら違うと言われた、今調べたら morning って…

#4, Basic Ch.1, Act.5

Teacher Garry told me many important things. Moving mouth and tongue (5 minutes exercise every day!) Intonation (with gesture) Connect words (with gesture) Feelings pointed out mouth form many times (especiall `v', ex. very) explained conn…

#3, Basic Ch.1 Act4

This night I took an English lesson. It has been a long time since last lesson because of my summer vacation :P I think teacher Shayne has leadership ability. When I cound not speak well, she wrote some sentences in chat. It helps me very …

#2, Basic Ch.1 Act3

It was second time lesson for me. This night I chose teacher Jacob. I did basic textbook act3. We had some conversation during free talk time. We talked about a difference between computer engineer and computer programmer in Philippine. He…

#1, Basic Ch.1 Act1, Act2

Today is a great day for me. I just finished my first lesson of langrich. I really enjoyed to talk with my teacher. I finished Basic textbook chapter1 Act1 and Act2.最初に流れでフリートークになって、マイク付きイヤホンのマイクの位置が遠かっ…


Langrich | EnglishCentralに無料ユーザー登録した。RubyKaigi で「英語ちゃんとやるぞ」と決意していろいろ情報を集めてみたけど、正直いって英会話スクールはお金がかかりすぎるのでやめた。ここ二週間くらいは通勤中とか休憩時間中に eslpod.com の PodCa…