@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.


crx_unpack gem released

I released crx_unpack gem. This gem unpacks Google Chrome extension package (crx) and extracts contents of extension from packed zip archive. require 'crx_unpack' data = open('extension.crx', 'rb').read crx = CrxUnpack.unpack(data) crx.zip…

crx_appid gem released

I released crx_appid gem. This gem calculates Google Chrome extension ID (unique for each extensions) from private key. require 'crx_appid' pem = open("extension.pem").read CrxAppid.calculate(pem) CrxAppid.calculate_from_file("extension.pe…


Update: オフィシャル SVG ロゴデータが公開されました http://staff.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/04/10/105917 https://github.com/hatena/Hatena-Blog-Logo はてなブログのロゴを SVG で描いてみた。 オリジナルのロゴ画像(png)を横に並べてブラウザで拡大…

Let's meet at the #rubykaigi 2013, May 30 ~ June 1

The RubyKaigi 2013 will be held at May 30 ~ July 1. My CFP was accepted. I'm proud that I am a speaker of this Kaigi. The title of my talk is Continuous gem dependency updating with Jenkins and Pull Request. I'll talk about a technique tha…

「GitHub Blogを3行でまとめるブログ」を始めました

GitHub Blogを3行でまとめるブログ を始めました pplog さんと雑談してて思いつきました のんびりやっていく予定です GitHub Blogを3行でまとめるブログ http://github.kyanny.me/

GitHub's Markdown Rendering API compatible API

Today I launched GitHub's Markdown Rendering API compatible API.http://gfm-kyanny.sqale.jp/ (Hosted by Sqale : )This is a markdown rendering API service compatible with GitHub's Markdown Rendering API. Pros No Rate Limit (almost) compatibl…

How to subscribe GitHub Blog via Gmail

Like many github freaks, I'm looking forward to read GitHub Blog. I rarely check the unread of my feed reader, so I want to read the updates via my Gmail.There is a popular way to subscribe a feed by email. It's feedburner. But unfortunate…


UPDATE id:syohex told me that the forked version of markdown-mode is hosted on github and fixed some bugs including weird behaviour of dabbrev-expand. I checked it and confirmed it works correctly. I strongly recommend to use it instead of…