@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.

Golang Weekly #317

Table of Contents

  1. Golang Weekly #317
    1. The Next Step for Generics
    2. Type Parameters - Draft Design
    3. Evaluating Go's Package Management and Module Systems
    4. How to handle errors in Go? [5 rules]​
    5. John Conway, the esteemed mathematician who came up with the eponymous Conway's Game of Life, sadly passed away several weeks ago

Golang Weekly #317

The Next Step for Generics

Type Parameters - Draft Design

  • 今はさっぱりわからない話題なので、深追いしない。

Evaluating Go's Package Management and Module Systems

  • bundler と比べたりしてるので俺は読んでおいた方が良さそう。

How to handle errors in Go? [5 rules]​

  • こういう主張が妥当なのかそうでないのか判別できる程度に早くなりたいものだ。

John Conway, the esteemed mathematician who came up with the eponymous Conway's Game of Life, sadly passed away several weeks ago