@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.

Look Back 2013

Only a few minutes remains in this year. Let's wrap up 2013. ref: 2012's, 2011's.


I changed my job at the end of May. At Quipper, I have very good experiences - new types of business (BtoB, BtoBtoC, alliance, etc.), new types of working environment (London office and Tokyo office), new types of field (education).

From last month, I worked with UK engineers more closely. I'm enjoying this opportunity. Communicating to native or non-native english speakers with my broken english is very exciting for me - it's like a extreme sport!

While Quipper is still a not successful company, but I can believe success of us - dreaming great future is the best motivation of work.


Almost good. My condition is well, my wife is well, and my cat is well too. I extended my room contract next 2 years. I like this small town. It's quiet and comfort place.

I didn't do enough exercise in this year. I should do more, but I have no idea to make good habit for exercise.

I visited London at July. I was impressed diversity from London. I like that city.


Reading - not so much. I became to read Japanese technical books rarely. There are two big reasons: 1) too many books but very small amount of time to spend for reading, and 2) now reading English books/articles is more natural, not so special thing for me.

Coding - like as reading, sending pull request is not so special event for me. It's ordinary thing. I hadn't do much, but I still continue to code. It's good.

English - I tried several services for english study but I realised that I have to improve my listening skill before conversation. I started iKnow! for dictation and applied TOEIC. I could continue to learn english somehow.

Conferences and Events

I had a talk ‘Continuous gem dependency updating with Jenkins and Pull Request’ at RubyKaigi 2013. This talk might influence to Tachikoma. I'm satisfied with both speech and quality of material of this talk.

I talked at Tech Compass #6 and Hatena Engineer Blogger matsuri too. One regret thing is that I hadn't give a talk in English. The next big goal is giving a talk in English at international conference in foreign country.


2013 was big year. I hope 2014 is more great.


去る12月14日に開催された「はてなエンジニアブロガー祭り」で第二部のパネルディスカッションに登壇しました。当日の様子は Togetter のまとめやはてなブログのトピック「エンジニアブロガー祭り」のエントリ等をどうぞ。



他のパネラーの方々のお話もとても興味深かったです。吉岡さんがおっしゃった「未来のいつか」の意味を知ったときは、自分もそういう風に思っていた(けどうまく言語化できなかった)のだ、とはっとさせられましたし、 t-wada さんが指摘された「過去を時系列で振り返られる」という点もまったく同意でした。堤さんのブログとの向き合い方は自分とずいぶん違っていて、ブログの懐の深さを再認識しました。


photo by Maria Reyes-McDavis

MongoDB Tokyo 2013

I attended MongoDB Tokyo 2013. I heard three sessions at noon.

(Since I forgot to get any novelties so there are no photos in this post :(

Indexing & Query Optimization

David talked about indexing and query optimization on mongodb. He tried to explain not only what index is, but how it works by diving into B-Tree index explanation. It was quite good to understand why some queries can't get benefit of poor-designed indexes. I have an experience of MySQL so I often noticed these are very similar on indexing. Since his presentation material has a lot of sample codes, I really want to see it again on the web.

Data Processing and Aggregation Options

Stephen introduced about useful tools for data processing on mongo. He explained Aggregation Framework at first. It sounds very powerful. Moreover it looks not so complex. He talked about MapReduce and integration to external services like Hadoop too. In conclusion he suggested Aggregation Framework as might be a best solution. I'm not sure whether I really want to do heavy server-side data processing, but if the time is coming I will try Aggregation Framework at first.

Data Modelling Examples from the Real World

In Matias's talk, he explained the difference of thinking about schema design between RDBMS and mongo. He also showed us two "real world" examples to solve common problem of application development. Actually this session is main purpose why I went to that event. He explained "message inbox" and "history" data model patterns. I think it was a presentation about designing application architecture. That's very good. He concluded that the important point is to make sure the use case of your application. There are many solutions and cases.


There were many business person wearing suit. Usually I'm scared of "suit" guy, but I also impressed that those business person really interests about MongoDB. I guess MongoDB is definitely used in serious business world and many people pay proper money to MongoDB business. It's quite good. I hope the MongoDB company (formerly 10gen) to keep growing in future.

All of English sessions had one-by-one translation. Translation itself was good, but truth be told I was not satisfied with quality of translation. It can't be helped though, translators didn't seem to have enough technical knowledge, so they sometimes said strange translation. For example, when speaker explained about querying with regular expression, he said the pattern starts with caret character (/^foo/) will use index. But translator called this symbol "carrot" (speaker jokingly performed to bite carrot, lol) In that case, we might not need translation about "caret" because it was very clear for most of audiences (I assumed attendees were engineers..)

But I want to say thank you to translators again, because due to one-by-one translation, speaker talked slowly and intermittently so I could hear and concentrate their speech relaxed. I think it was good for not only people who can't listen English at all but also people who can listen English somehow.

I got back to office without attending networking party, but when MongoDB Tokyo 2014 is held I want to attend after party to meet some MongoDB guys too. Thank you all of speakers, organisers, translators and MongoDB staffs.

Book: 諦める力










先日登壇したイベントで、質疑応答の際に「前職では Heroku の競合にあたるサービスを作っていたのに Heroku のヘビーユーザー企業へ転職したのはなぜか」という質問を受けた。その場にふさわしい質問だったかどうかはさておき、「英語でソフトウェア開発をする仕事に就きたかったから」と答えた。そのときはキャリアアップ的な側面を押し出して回答したが、改めて考えると「勝ち目のないランキングでのし上がることを諦める」という動機も大きかったと思う。




Book: Working With Ruby Threads

I am a fan of "Working With ~" series wirtten by Jesse Storimer. I read Working With Ruby Threads. This book describes concurrency in Ruby world.

Semantically, this book has three parts.

In the first part, author defines difference of concurrency and parallelism. I'm not sure whether this definition is general or not, but clear definition for ambiguous words makes this book easy to understand.

Second part is tour of low-level thread APIs such as Thread, Mutex and Condition Variable. One of the most important thing I learned from this book is "Don't use low-level thread APIs by myself". It's too difficult to use properly.

Last part is example of Ruby's concurrency in read world. Author introduces Celluloid, an actor-style concurrent framework. Even though there is not so many codes, it's enough to give a basic knowledge of it. He also explains Puma's thread pool implementation. This is more complex than Ceclluloid basis.

After reading this book, I'm interesting more about concurrency in Ruby. I read a few lines of code of Ceclluloid and changed default ruby interepreter of my machine to Rubinius. My first contribution for Rubinius was fizzled out, but I wish to keep in touch.