Only a few minutes remains in this year. Let's wrap up 2013. ref: 2012's, 2011's.
I changed my job at the end of May. At Quipper, I have very good experiences - new types of business (BtoB, BtoBtoC, alliance, etc.), new types of working environment (London office and Tokyo office), new types of field (education).
From last month, I worked with UK engineers more closely. I'm enjoying this opportunity. Communicating to native or non-native english speakers with my broken english is very exciting for me - it's like a extreme sport!
While Quipper is still a not successful company, but I can believe success of us - dreaming great future is the best motivation of work.
Almost good. My condition is well, my wife is well, and my cat is well too. I extended my room contract next 2 years. I like this small town. It's quiet and comfort place.
I didn't do enough exercise in this year. I should do more, but I have no idea to make good habit for exercise.
I visited London at July. I was impressed diversity from London. I like that city.
Reading - not so much. I became to read Japanese technical books rarely. There are two big reasons: 1) too many books but very small amount of time to spend for reading, and 2) now reading English books/articles is more natural, not so special thing for me.
Coding - like as reading, sending pull request is not so special event for me. It's ordinary thing. I hadn't do much, but I still continue to code. It's good.
English - I tried several services for english study but I realised that I have to improve my listening skill before conversation. I started iKnow! for dictation and applied TOEIC. I could continue to learn english somehow.
Conferences and Events
I had a talk ‘Continuous gem dependency updating with Jenkins and Pull Request’ at RubyKaigi 2013. This talk might influence to Tachikoma. I'm satisfied with both speech and quality of material of this talk.
I talked at Tech Compass #6 and Hatena Engineer Blogger matsuri too. One regret thing is that I hadn't give a talk in English. The next big goal is giving a talk in English at international conference in foreign country.
2013 was big year. I hope 2014 is more great.