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Bizmates Program: Level 3 Rank B Lesson 8: Selling your idea



Lesson 8 の冒頭から。レッスンの進め方は普通。See パートを読み終えた後の質疑応答で Biz Tips に書いてある内容を大体カバーしつつ多少プラスして話したら「あなたはもう Biz Tips の内容も既に言及しているわね」Biz Tips を読み終えて、まだ二分くらいあって Try パートへ。ここは前いた会社のとある開発チームで観測したミーティングのあり方やプロジェクトマネジメントの問題(とおれが感じていたこと)を当時の上司にそれとなく進言した時の話をしたが、正直良い結果に結び付かなかったので説明はあまり気が進まないやつで、話してても前提が長くてうーんという感じだった。相手の理解度もピンときてない感じだった。しかしそれより前となるとだいぶ大きな話になってややこしいし、かといって後だとそもそもアイデアを打ったことなんてないので。

Lesson 8 の Try の 3 あたりまで終わり、でも次 Try を最初からやり直してもいいのかもなあ。お題がいいの思いついてないので辛いところなんだけど。明日は夜遅くにミスナンバーワンの空き枠が一つだけあるのを見つけたので速攻で予約した。新しい動画見たよって報告しないと。昨夜は空き枠なかったのでラッキーだ。ミスクールが仕事後のいい時間に開いてるしミスターヒップホップも夜遅くに空いてるのでこれらを取れなかったのはちょっと残念。二人とも明後日以降の空き枠が増えることを期待。

  • Lesson 8: Selling your idea
  • How do you sell your idea and get other people to accept it?
  • I will try to explain the things in detail. I will identify the problem by presentation and explaining the idea but not saying the conclusion first.
  • How well do you handle objections when presenting an idea?
  • Before making a presentation, I spend time and effort to prepare any possible objections and rehearse the answers. If I receive objections during the presentation, I try to answer as much as possible but if I don't have time. I will follow up with them after the presentation.
  • SEE
  • What did Jerry say about selling ideas or solutions?
  • He said : don’t forget that your goal isn’t just to explain your idea, it’s to get approval. In other words, you need to sell your idea. They need to know that there is a real problem to solve. Then explain your idea and implementation plan, and finally explain the benefits of implementing your plan.
  • According to Jerry, how can Tomo deal with objections effectively?
  • According to Jerry, we would thank them for bringing it up. And then show that we really understand their concern. Then, we can address their concern and have data to back it up.
  • TRY
  • When was the last time you presented an idea to your boss?
  • It was about 2 years ago.
  • What was it about?
  • I was a software developer, the team had a weekly meeting to check the progress of the assigned tasks but some of the team members who worked longer than me kept reporting no progress on our work so I thought that was a problem. When I had one on one with my boss, I pointed it out so maybe we can change some process or structure.