@kyanny's blog

My thoughts, my life. Views/opinions are my own.

eix-sync today

perl-gcpan/libapreq の ebuild がなんか壊れてて依存計算時にエラーになっていたので /usr/local/portage/g-cpan/libapreq ごと消してしまった。

kyanny@kyanny-laptop2 ~ $ sudo eix-sync 
 * Removing old portage-cache in /var/cache/edb/dep ...                                                                                  [ ok ]
 * Running emerge --sync ...                                                                                                             [ ok ]
 * Copying old /var/cache/eix cache to /var/cache/eix.previous ...                                                                       [ ok ]
 * Running update-eix ...                                                                                                                [ ok ]
Diffing databases (12582 - 12606 packages)
[>]   == app-admin/otpcalc (0.97-r1 -> 0.97-r2): A One Time Password and S/Key calculator for X
[<]   == app-admin/tmpreaper (1.6.5 -> ~1.6.7 ~1.6.9): A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed
[>]   == app-admin/usermin (1.280-r1 -> 1.320): a web-based user administration interface
[>]   == app-admin/webmin (1.350 -> 1.390): Webmin, a web-based system administration interface
[U]   == app-arch/dpkg (1.13.25)12/27/07(; 1.13.25 -> 1.14.12): Package maintenance system for Debian
[>]   == app-arch/p7zip (4.55 -> 4.57): Port of 7-Zip archiver for Unix
[U]   == app-crypt/pinentry (0.7.3)12/24/07(; 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4-r1): Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol
[*>]  == app-editors/emact (~2.50.0 -> 2.50.0): EmACT, a fork of Conroy's MicroEmacs
[>]   == app-editors/kile (1.9.3 -> 2.0): A LaTeX Editor and TeX shell for kde
[>]   == app-editors/lpe (1.2.6 -> a lightweight programmers editor
[*>]  == app-editors/mg (~20070529 ~20070918 -> 20070918): Micro GNU/emacs, a port from the BSDs
[U]   == app-editors/nano (2.0.6)08/31/07(; 2.0.6 -> 2.0.7): GNU GPL'd Pico clone with more functionality
[*>]  == app-editors/uemacs-pk (~4.0.18 -> 4.0.18): uEmacs/PK is an enhanced version of MicroEMACS
[>]   == app-emacs/auctex (11.84-r2 -> 11.84-r3): An extensible package that supports writing and formatting TeX files
[*>]  == app-emacs/easypg (~0.0.13 ~0.0.15 -> 0.0.15): GnuPG interface for Emacs
[>]   == app-emacs/tramp (2.1.11-r1 -> 2.1.12): Edit remote files like ange-ftp but with rlogin, telnet and/or ssh
[>]   == app-laptop/pommed (1.5 -> 1.12): Daemon managing special features such as screen and keyboard backlight on Apple MacBook Pro/PowerBook laptops
[>]   == app-misc/cmatrix (1.2a -> 1.2a-r1): An ncurses based app to show a scrolling screen from the Matrix
[>]   == app-misc/note (1.2.5-r1 -> 1.3.3): A note taking perl program
[>]   == app-office/kmymoney2 (0.8.6 -> 0.8.8): Personal Finances Manager for KDE.
[>]   == app-office/lyx (1.4.2 -> 1.4.4): WYSIWYM frontend for LaTeX, DocBook, etc.
[>]   == app-office/texmaker (1.50-r1 -> 1.60): A nice LaTeX-IDE
[>]   == app-portage/herdstat (1.1.1_p7 -> 1.1.2-r1): Query tool capable of displaying herd/developer information category/package metadata
[*>]  == app-shells/pdsh (~2.9 ~2.11 ~2.12 ~2.14 -> 2.14): A high-performance, parallel remote shell utility.
[*>]  == dev-cpp/libherdstat (~0.1.1-r1 ~0.2.0 -> 0.1.1-r1): C++ library offering interfaces for portage-related things such as Gentoo-specific XML files, package searching, and version sorting
[U]   == dev-db/mysql (5.0.44-r2)12/12/07(; 5.0.44-r2 -> 5.0.54): A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server.
[<]   == dev-java/batik (1.5-r1(1.5) 1.6-r3(1.6) -> 1.6-r3(1.6)): Java based SVG toolkit
[>]   == dev-java/eclipse-ecj (3.2(3.2) 3.3.0-r1(3.3) -> 3.2(3.2) 3.3.0-r2(3.3)): Eclipse Compiler for Java
      << dev-java/jdbc2-oracle ({M}!f): JDBC Drivers for Oracle
      << dev-java/jdbc3-oracle ({M}!f): JDBC 3.0 Drivers for Oracle
[>]   == dev-java/lucene (1.4.3-r3(1) 2.1.0(2) -> 1.4.3-r3(1) 2.1.0(2) 2.1.0-r1(2.1)): High-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java
[>]   == dev-java/pdfbox (0.7.3 -> 0.7.3-r1): Java library and utilities for working with PDF documents
      << dev-java/quartz ({M}~1.4.5-r1): Quartz Scheduler from OpenSymphony
[U]   == dev-lang/erlang (11.2.5-r3)12/24/07(; 11.2.5-r3 -> 12.2.0): Erlang programming language, runtime environment, and large collection of libraries
[>]   == dev-lang/python (2.4.4-r6(2.4))12/24/07(; 2.3.6-r3(2.3) 2.4.4-r6(2.4) -> 2.3.6-r4(2.3) 2.4.4-r6(2.4)): Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
[>]   == dev-libs/boost (1.33.1-r1 -> 1.34.1-r2): Boost Libraries for C++
[>]   == dev-libs/gdl (0.7.1 -> 0.7.6): The Gnome Devtool Libraries
[*>]  == dev-libs/gnome-build (~0.1.3 ~0.1.4 ~0.1.7 [M]~0.2.0 -> 0.1.7): The Gnome Build Framework
[>]   == dev-libs/iksemel (1.2 -> 1.3): eXtensible Markup Language parser library designed for Jabber applications
[U]   == dev-libs/libassuan (1.0.2-r1)12/24/07(; 1.0.2-r1 -> 1.0.4): Standalone IPC library used by gpg, gpgme and newpg
[U]   == dev-libs/libgcrypt (1.2.4)12/25/07(; 1.2.4 -> 1.4.0-r1): general purpose crypto library based on the code used in GnuPG
[U]   == dev-libs/libgpg-error (1.5)08/27/07(; 1.5 -> 1.6): Contains error handling functions used by GnuPG software
[U]   == dev-perl/DBD-SQLite (1.13)09/28/07(; 1.13 -> 1.14): Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
[*>]  == dev-perl/Math-BigInt-FastCalc (~0.15 -> 0.15): Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
[*>]  == dev-perl/Net-Google-SafeBrowsing-Blocklist (~1.04 -> 1.04): Query a Google SafeBrowsing table
[*>]  == dev-perl/Net-Google-SafeBrowsing-UpdateRequest (~1.06 -> 1.06): Update a Google SafeBrowsing table
[U]   == dev-perl/Test-WWW-Mechanize (1.14)12/12/07(; 1.14 -> 1.16): Test::WWW::Mechanize is a subclass of WWW::Mechanize that incorporates features for web application testing
[>]   == dev-perl/Text-CSV_XS (0.30 -> 0.31): comma-separated values manipulation routines
[>]   == dev-python/gnuplot-py (1.7 -> 1.7-r2): A python wrapper for Gnuplot
[>]   == dev-python/pyid3lib (0.5.1 -> 0.5.1-r1): Module for manipulating ID3 tags in Python
[>]   == dev-python/python-biggles (1.6.3 -> 1.6.4-r1): A Python module for creating publication-quality 2D scientific plots.
[>]   == dev-ruby/ncurses-ruby (0.9.1 -> 1.1): Ruby wrappers of ncurses and PDCurses libs
[>]   == dev-util/anjuta (1.2.4-r1 -> 2.2.0-r1): A versatile IDE for GNOME
[*>]  == dev-util/boost-build (~1.34.1 -> 1.34.1): A system for large project software construction, which is simple to use and powerfull.
[>]   == dev-util/catalyst ( -> 2.0.5): release metatool used for creating Gentoo releases
[>]   == dev-util/cscope (15.6-r1 -> 15.6-r2): Interactively examine a C program
[U]   == dev-util/ctags (5.5.4-r2)08/27/07(; 5.5.4-r2 -> 5.7): Exuberant Ctags creates tags files for code browsing in editors
[>]   == dev-util/geany (0.11 -> 0.12): GTK+ based fast and lightweight IDE.
      << dev-util/poseidonCE ([M]3.0.1!m): A UML CASE-Tool powered by Java
[>]   == games-arcade/tuxpuck (0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-r1): Hover hockey
[>]   == games-kids/tuxtype2 (1.5.3 -> 1.5.3-r1): Typing tutorial with lots of eye-candy
[U]   == gnome-extra/gtkhtml (2.6.3(2))09/04/07( 3.16.1(3.14))12/25/07(; 2.6.3(2) 3.2.5(3.2) 3.6.2(3.6) 3.12.3(3.8) 3.16.1(3.14) -> 2.11.1(2) 3.2.5(3.2) 3.6.2(3.6) 3.12.3(3.8) 3.16.1(3.14)): Lightweight HTML Rendering/Printing/Editing Engine
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/camera (~0.8-r1 -> 0.8-r1): A simple tool to download photos from a digital camera.
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/cenon (~3.82 -> 3.82): Cenon is a vector graphics tool for GNUstep, OpenStep and MacOSX
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/displaycalibrator (~0.7 -> 0.7): Frontend to xgamma
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/easydiff (~0.3.1_pre20061115 -> 0.3.1_pre20061115): GNUstep app that lets you easily see the differences between two text files.
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/gmines (~0.1-r2 -> 0.1-r2): The well-known minesweeper game.
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/gnumail (~1.2.0_pre3-r1 -> 1.2.0_pre3-r1): A fully featured mail application for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/gorm (~1.2.1 [M]~1.2.2 -> 1.2.1): A clone of the NeXTstep Interface Builder application for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/gridlock (~1.10 -> 1.10): Gridlock is a collection of grid-based games
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/keyarcher (~0.1 -> 0.1): Reads keyed archives content
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/plconv (~0.1 -> 0.1): Command-line tool for converting between different property-list formats
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/preferences (~1.3.0_pre20061204-r1 -> 1.3.0_pre20061204-r1): Preferences is the GNUstep program with which you define your own personal user experience.
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/preview (~0.8.5-r1 -> 0.8.5-r1): Simple image viewer.
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/price (~0.8.1 -> 0.8.1): Precision Raster Image Convolution Engine
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/projectcenter (~0.4.3_p25340 -> 0.4.3_p25340): An IDE for GNUstep.
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/projectmanager (~0.2 -> 0.2): ProjectManager is another IDE for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/remotedesk (~0.1 -> 0.1): GNUstep remote windows access tool
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/simpleagenda (~0.27 [M]~0.35 -> 0.27): a simple calender and agenda application
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/stepulator (~1.0-r2 -> 1.0-r2): A Reverse Polish Notation calculator
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/stshell (~0.10.0-r1 -> 0.10.0-r1): An interactive shell for StepTalk
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/sudoku (~6 -> 6): Sudoku generator for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/talksoup (~1.0_alpha1-r1 -> 1.0_alpha1-r1): IRC client for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/terminal (~0.9.5_pre20060324-r1 -> 0.9.5_pre20060324-r1): A terminal emulator for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/textedit (~0.95_pre20060928 -> 0.95_pre20060928): A text editor with font, color, and style capabilities for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-apps/zipper (~1.2 -> 1.2): Zipper is a tool for inspecting and extracting compressed archives
[>]   == gnustep-base/gnustep-base (1.14.0 -> 1.14.1): A library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects.
[>]   == gnustep-base/gnustep-make (2.0.1 -> 2.0.2): GNUstep Makefile Package
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/camaelon (~0.2 -> 0.2): Camaelon allows you to load theme bundles for GNUstep.
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/camerakit (~ -> A simple wrapper to libgphoto2 for GNUstep.
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/cenonlibrary (~3.82 -> 3.82): Default library required to run Cenon
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/highlighterkit (~0.1 -> 0.1): Syntax highlighter framework
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/netclasses (~1.06-r1 -> 1.06-r1): An asynchronous networking library for GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/objcunit (~1.2-r1 -> 1.2-r1): ObjcUnit: a unit testing framework for Obj-C on MacOSX and GNUstep
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/pantomime (~1.2.0_pre3 -> 1.2.0_pre3): A set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system.
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/prefsmodule (~1.1.1_pre20061204-r1 -> 1.1.1_pre20061204-r1): Preferences is the GNUstep program with which you define your own personal user experience.
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/rigs (~ -> Ruby Interface for GNUstep.
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/steptalk (~0.10.0-r1 -> 0.10.0-r1): StepTalk is the official GNUstep scripting framework.
[*>]  == gnustep-libs/wizardkit (~0.1 -> 0.1): Wizard support framework
[>]   == kde-base/kdebase (3.5.7-r5(3.5) -> 3.5.7-r6(3.5)): KDE base packages: the desktop, panel, window manager, konqueror...
[>]   == kde-base/kdebase-startkde (3.5.7(3.5) -> 3.5.7-r1(3.5)): Startkde script, which starts a complete KDE session, and associated scripts
[>]   == media-fonts/alee-fonts (8.3 -> 11.4): A Lee's Hangul truetype fonts
[*>]  == media-fonts/arkpandora (~2.04 -> 2.04): Arkpandora MS-TTF replacement font pack
[*>]  == media-fonts/cheapskatefonts (~1.0 -> 1.0): Dustismo's decorative font collection
[U]   == media-fonts/corefonts (1-r2)12/25/07(; 1-r2 -> 1-r4): Microsoft's TrueType core fonts
[*>]  == media-fonts/farsi-fonts (~0.4 -> 0.4): Farsi (Persian) TrueType fonts
[*>]  == media-fonts/freefont-ttf (~20060126 -> 20060126): TrueType Unicode fonts from the Free UCS Outline Fonts Project
[*>]  == media-fonts/fs-fonts (~0.1_alpha3 -> 0.1_alpha3): Japanese TrueType fonts designed for screen and print
[>]   == media-fonts/ipamonafont (1.0.3!m -> 1.0.5!m): Hacked version of IPA fonts, which is suitable for browsing 2ch
[*>]  == media-fonts/oto (~0.4 -> 0.4): Open Type Organizer
[>]   == media-fonts/pcf2bdf (1.04 -> 1.04-r1): Converts PCF fonts to BDF fonts
[>]   == media-fonts/ttf-gentium (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2): Gentium Typeface
[*>]  == media-fonts/ttf-sil-abyssinica (~1.0 -> 1.0): SIL Abyssinica - SIL Fonts for Ethiopic languages
[*>]  == media-fonts/ttf-sil-arabicfonts (~1.0 -> 1.0): SIL Arabic Script - SIL fonts for Arabic Languages
[*>]  == media-fonts/ttf-sil-padauk (~2.1 -> 2.1): SIL Padauk - SIL fonts for Myanmar
[>]   == media-fonts/unifont (1.0-r3 -> 1.0-r4): GNU Unifont - a Pan-Unicode X11 bitmap iso10646 font
[>]   == media-fonts/urw-fonts (2.1-r2 -> 2.3.6): free good quality fonts gpl'd by URW++
[>]   == media-fonts/wqy-bitmapfont (0.8.1-r1 -> 0.9.9_p0): WenQuanYi Bitmap Song CJK font
[>]   == media-libs/sdl-mixer (1.2.7 -> 1.2.8): Simple Direct Media Layer Mixer Library
[>]   == media-sound/audio-entropyd (0.0.6 -> 1.0.1): Audio-entropyd generates entropy-data for the /dev/random device.
[*>]  == media-sound/gimmix (~0.4.2 -> 0.4.2): a graphical music player daemon (MPD) client written in C using GTK2.
[>]   == media-sound/protux (0.20.2 -> 0.50.100): Professional Audio Tools for GNU/Linux
[>]   == media-sound/pulseaudio (0.9.7 -> 0.9.9): A networked sound server with an advanced plugin system
[>]   == media-video/camorama (0.18 -> 0.19): a webcam application featuring various image filters.
[>]   == media-video/qc-usb-messenger (1.5 -> 1.7): Logitech USB Quickcam Express Messenger & Communicate Linux Driver Modules
[<]   == net-analyzer/cacti (0.8.6j-r6(0.8.6j-r6) 0.8.6j-r7(0.8.6j-r7) -> 0.8.6j-r7(0.8.6j-r7)): Cacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool
[>]   == net-analyzer/pinger (0.30 -> 0.32): Cyclic multi ping utility for selected adresses using GTK/ncurses.
[>]   == net-analyzer/pmacct (0.11.3 -> 0.11.4): A network tool to gather ip traffic informations
[>]   == net-analyzer/smokeping (2.0.9 -> 2.2.4): A powerful latency measurement tool.
[>]   == net-analyzer/snmptt (1.1 -> 1.2): SNMP Trap Translator
[>]   == net-analyzer/squid-graph (3.1 -> 3.2): Squid logfile analyzer and traffic grapher
[>]   == net-analyzer/vnstat (1.4-r2 -> 1.6): Console-based network traffic monitor that keeps statistics of network usage
[U]   == net-dns/libidn (0.6.9-r1)08/31/07(; 0.6.9-r1 -> 1.0-r1): Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) implementation
[>]   == net-ftp/ftpcube (0.5.1 -> 0.5.1-r1): Graphical FTP client using wxPython
[>]   == net-ftp/netkit-tftp (0.17-r3 -> 0.17-r4): the tftp server included in netkit
[>]   == net-im/gajim (0.11.1 -> 0.11.4): Jabber client written in PyGTK
[*>]  == net-libs/libasyncns (~0.3 -> 0.3): C library for executing name service queries asynchronously.
[>]   == net-mail/qmail-qfilter (2.0 -> 2.1): qmail-queue multi-filter front end
[>]   == net-misc/chrony (1.21-r1 -> 1.23): NTP client and server programs
[>]   == net-misc/clockspeed (0.62-r3 -> 0.62-r4): A simple Network Time Protocol (NTP) client
[U]   == net-misc/curl (7.16.4)12/24/07(; 7.16.4 -> 7.17.1): A Client that groks URLs
[>]   == net-misc/efax (0.9a -> 0.9a-r1): A simple fax program for single-user systems
[>]   == net-misc/ferm (1.2.4 -> 1.2.5): Command line util for managing firewall rules
[>]   == net-misc/gnome-blog (0.9 -> 0.9.1): Post entries to your blog right from the Gnome panel
[>]   == net-misc/gwget (0.6 -> 0.99): GTK2 WGet Frontend
[>]   == net-misc/gwhois (20061002 -> 20070926): generic whois
[>]   == net-misc/hlfl (0.60.0 -> 0.60.1): High Level Firewall Language
[>]   == net-misc/ices (2.0.0 -> 2.0.1-r1): Icecast OGG streaming client, supports on the fly re-encoding.
[>]   == net-misc/jlj (2.7 -> 2.12): A simple console LiveJournal entry system.
[>]   == net-misc/jwhois (3.2.3-r1 -> 4.0): Advanced Internet Whois client capable of recursive queries
[>]   == net-misc/kbandwidth (1.0.4 -> 1.0.4-r1): Network monitoring Kicker-applet for KDE 3.x
[>]   == net-misc/linux-identd (1.3 -> 1.3-r1): A real IDENT daemon for linux.
[>]   == net-misc/mmsclient (0.0.3 -> 0.0.3-r1): mms protocol download utility
[>]   == net-misc/nemesis (1.4_beta3 -> 1.4): A commandline-based, portable human IP stack for UNIX/Linux
[U]   == net-misc/netkit-telnetd (0.17-r6)12/02/07(; 0.17-r6 -> 0.17-r8): Standard Linux telnet client and server
[>]   == net-misc/netkit-timed (0.17-r7 -> 0.17-r8): Netkit - timed
[>]   == net-misc/netstat-nat (1.4.7 -> 1.4.8): Display NAT connections
[U]   == net-misc/openssh (4.7_p1-r1)09/15/07(; 4.7_p1-r1 -> 4.7_p1-r3): Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release
[>]   == net-misc/pen (0.12.1 -> 0.17.1): TCP Load Balancing Port Forwarder
[>]   == net-misc/proxyper (335!m -> 341a!m): distributed.net personal proxy
[>]   == net-misc/rarpd (1.1-r2 -> 1.1-r3): Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Daemon
[>]   == net-misc/rdist (6.1.5-r1(1) -> 6.1.5-r2(1)): Remote software distribution system
[>]   == net-misc/secpanel (0.43 -> 0.51): Graphical frontend for managing and running SSH and SCP connections
[>]   == net-misc/shmux (1.0 -> 1.0.1): Program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel
[>]   == net-misc/smb4k (0.8.1 -> 0.8.7): Smb4K is a SMB share browser for KDE
[>]   == net-misc/snarf (7.0-r2 -> 7.0-r3): Small and fast command line resource grabber with support for http, gopher, finger, and ftp protocols.
[>]   == net-misc/stone (2.2c -> 2.2e): A simple TCP/IP packet repeater
[>]   == net-misc/tightvnc (1.3.9 -> 1.3.9-r1): A great client/server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops.
[>]   == net-misc/udpcast (20050226 -> 20070602): Multicast file transfer tool
[>]   == net-misc/whoischk (0.2.4 -> 0.2.4-r1): monitor a list of domains and report when there has been any change
[<]   == net-misc/youtube-dl (2007.10.12 -> ~2008.01.24): A small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.
[>]   == net-misc/zssh (1.5a -> 1.5c): An ssh wrapper enabling zmodem up/download in ssh
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Algorithm-C3 (0.07@[1])11/27/07(; 0.07 -> 0.07[2]): No description available
[U]   == perl-gcpan/Class-Accessor-Grouped (0.07000@[1])11/27/07(; 0.07000 -> 0.08001[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Class-C3 (0.19@[1])11/27/07(; 0.19 -> 0.19[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Class-C3-Componentised (1.0001@[1])11/27/07(; 1.0001 -> 1.0001[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Class-Data-Accessor (0.04001@[1])12/05/07(; 0.04001 -> 0.04001[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/DBIx-Class (0.08008@[1])11/27/07(; 0.08008 -> 0.08008[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Data-Page (2.00@[1])11/27/07(; 2.00 -> 2.00[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/HTML-Selector-XPath (0.03@[1])12/01/07(; 0.03 -> 0.03[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/HTTP-Cookies-Guess (0.01@[1])12/01/07(; 0.01 -> 0.01[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/IO-Socket-Socks (0.1@[1])12/02/07(; 0.1 -> 0.1[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Image-Magick-Iterator (0.01 -> 0.01[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Image-PBMlib (1.05@[1])01/08/08(; 1.05 -> 1.05[2]): No description available
[>]   == perl-gcpan/JSON (1.14 -> 2.04) [1]: No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/MRO-Compat (0.05@[1])11/27/07(; 0.05 -> 0.05[2]): No description available
[U]   == perl-gcpan/Module-CoreList (2.12@[1])12/01/07(; 2.12 -> 2.13[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Module-Find (0.05@[1])11/27/07(; 0.05 -> 0.05[2]): No description available
[U]   == perl-gcpan/Module-ScanDeps (0.80@[1])12/01/07(; 0.80 -> 0.81[2]): Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
[U]   == perl-gcpan/Pod-ProjectDocs (0.34@[1])12/12/07(; 0.34 -> 0.35[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/SQL-Abstract-Limit (0.12@[1])11/27/07(; 0.12 -> 0.12[2]): portable LIMIT emulation
[><]  == perl-gcpan/Scope-Guard (0.03@[1])11/27/07(; 0.03 -> 0.03[2]): No description available
[><]  == perl-gcpan/XML-Parser-Lite-Tree (0.03@[1])01/19/08(; 0.03 -> 0.03[2]): No description available
[>]   == sci-libs/itpp (3.10.12 -> 4.0.1): IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions
[U]   == sys-apps/debianutils (2.25)12/24/07(; 2.25 -> 2.28.2): A selection of tools from Debian
[>]   == sys-apps/fakeroot (1.5.10 -> 1.8.1): Run commands in an environment faking root privileges
[U]   == sys-apps/findutils (4.3.8-r1)12/25/07(; 4.3.8-r1 -> 4.3.11): GNU utilities for finding files
[>]   == sys-cluster/drbd (8.0.7 -> 8.0.8): mirror/replicate block-devices across a network-connection
[>]   == sys-cluster/drbd-kernel (8.0.7 -> 8.0.8): mirror/replicate block-devices across a network-connection
[>]   == sys-devel/autogen (5.9 -> 5.9.2): Program and text file generation
[<]   == sys-fs/devfsd (1.3.25-r9 -> **1.3.25-r9): Daemon for the Linux Device Filesystem
[U]   == sys-kernel/gentoo-sources (2.6.22-r5(2.6.22-r5))08/31/07( 2.6.23-r3(2.6.23-r3))12/25/07(; 2.6.16-r13(2.6.16-r13) 2.6.19-r5(2.6.19-r5) 2.6.21-r4(2.6.21-r4) 2.6.22-r2(2.6.22-r2) 2.6.22-r5(2.6.22-r5) 2.6.22-r8(2.6.22-r8) 2.6.22-r9(2.6.22-r9) 2.6.22-r10(2.6.22-r10) 2.6.23-r3(2.6.23-r3) -> 2.6.16-r13(2.6.16-r13) 2.6.19-r5(2.6.19-r5) 2.6.21-r4(2.6.21-r4) 2.6.22-r2(2.6.22-r2) 2.6.22-r5(2.6.22-r5) 2.6.22-r8(2.6.22-r8) 2.6.22-r9(2.6.22-r9) 2.6.22-r10(2.6.22-r10) 2.6.23-r3(2.6.23-r3) 2.6.23-r6(2.6.23-r6)): Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 2.6 kernel tree
[<]   == sys-kernel/hardened-sources ( 2.6.20-r6(2.6.20-r6) 2.6.20-r10(2.6.20-r10) 2.6.22-r8(2.6.22-r8) 2.6.23-r4(2.6.23-r4) -> 2.6.20-r6(2.6.20-r6) 2.6.20-r10(2.6.20-r10) 2.6.23-r4(2.6.23-r4)): Hardened kernel sources 2.6.23
[>]   == sys-kernel/openvz-sources ( -> Full sources including OpenVZ patchset for the . kernel tree
[><]  == sys-kernel/vanilla-sources ( -> Full sources for the Linux kernel
[>]   == sys-process/fcron (3.0.3 -> 3.0.4): A command scheduler with extended capabilities over cron and anacron
[<]   == www-apps/gallery (1.5.3(1.5.3) 2.2.3(2.2.3) 2.2.4(2.2.4) -> 1.5.3(1.5.3) 2.2.4(2.2.4)): Web based (PHP Script) photo album viewer/creator
[<]   == www-apps/mantisbt (1.0.8(1.0.8) 1.0.8-r1(1.0.8-r1) -> 1.0.8-r1(1.0.8-r1)): PHP/MySQL/Web based bugtracking system
      << www-servers/jboss ({M}3.2.5!m): An open source, standards-compliant, J2EE-based application server implemented in 100% Pure Java.
      << www-servers/jetty ({M}~4.2.19): A Lightweight Servlet Engine
[U]   == x11-misc/xdg-utils (1.0.2)12/25/07(; 1.0.2 -> 1.0.2-r1): Portland utils for cross-platform/cross-toolkit/cross-desktop interoperability
[U]   == x11-plugins/enigmail (0.95.2-r1)09/10/07(; 0.95.5-r1 -> 0.95.5-r2): GnuPG encryption plugin for thunderbird.
[>]   == x11-plugins/wmnetmon (0.2 -> 0.2_p5): monitors up to 40 hosts/services and can execute a command if there are problems with them
[<]   == x11-wm/sawfish (1.3.20060816 -> 1.3_p20060816): Extensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting language
[U]   == xfce-base/xfce-mcs-plugins (4.4.2)01/15/08(; 4.4.2 -> 4.4.2-r1): Setting plugins
[>]   == xfce-extra/ristretto (0.0.14 -> 0.0.15): a fast and lightweight picture-viewer for the Xfce desktop environment
[N]   >> app-admin/eselect-python (~20080124): Manages multiple Python versions
[N]   >> app-editors/medit (~*0.9.2): Multiplatform text editor
[N]   >> app-emacs/distel (~3.2_p20071103): Distributed Emacs Lisp for Erlang
[N]   >> app-emacs/icicles (~20071205): Minibuffer input completion and cycling
[N]   >> app-emacs/outline-magic (~0.9): Outline mode extensions for Emacs
[N]   >> app-emacs/template (~3.1c): Use templates, decorate comments, auto-update buffers
[N]   >> app-emacs/wikipedia-mode (~0.5): Mode for editing Wikipedia articles off-line
[N]   >> app-misc/sphinx (~0.9.7!m ~0.9.8_pre1065!m): Full-text search engine with support for MySQL and PostgreSQL
[N]   >> dev-java/cldc-api (~1.1(1.1)): Java ME Connected Limited Device Configuration API
[N]   >> dev-lang/falcon (~0.8.8): An open source general purpose untyped language written in C++
[N]   >> dev-libs/liboobs ([M]~2.20.0): Liboobs is a wrapping library to the System Tools Backends.
[N]   >> dev-ruby/archive-tar-minitar (~*0.5.1): Provides POSIX tarchive management from Ruby programs.
[N]   >> dev-ruby/color (~*1.4.0): Colour management with Ruby
[N]   >> dev-ruby/tclink (~3.4.4): Make-like scripting in Ruby
[N]   >> dev-tex/crosstex (~*0.5.6): CrossTeX - object orientated BibTeX replacement
[N]   >> dev-tex/pstplus (~*1.2): A PSTricks GUI
[N]   >> games-fps/worldofpadman (~1.2): A cartoon style multiplayer first-person shooter
[N]   >> gnome-extra/gnome-device-manager (~0.2): GNOME Device Manager
[N]   >> kde-misc/strigiapplet (~0.5.7): KDE kicker applet to use strigi.
[N]   >> media-gfx/gnome-raw-thumbnailer (~*0.99.1): A lightweight and fast raw image thumbnailer for GNOME
[N]   >> media-gfx/rawstudio (~*0.6): a program to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras.
[N]   >> media-libs/gavl (~*0.2.7-r2): library for handling uncompressed audio and video data
[N]   >> media-sound/bristol (~*0.20.1): Synthesizer keyboard emulation package: Moog, Hammond and others
[N]   >> media-sound/gigedit (~*0.1.1): An instrument editor for gig files
[N]   >> media-sound/jackbeat (~*0.6.2): An audio sequencer for Linux
[N]   >> media-video/smplayer (~*0.5.62): Great front-end for mplayer written in Qt4
[N]   >> sci-mathematics/xmds (~1.6.4): XMDS - The eXtensible Multi-Dimensional Simulator
[N]   >> sys-apps/i2c-tools (~3.0.0): I2C tools for bus probing, chip dumping, register-level access helpers, EEPROM decoding scripts, and more
[N]   >> x11-misc/fme (~1.0.3): Graphical menu editor for Fluxbox menus
[N]   >> x11-themes/smplayer-themes (~*0.1.14): Icon themes for smplayer