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Anope IRC Services

最初はこれ。 IRC Services って描いてあるけど、何をするものなんだろう、よくわからないままにとりあえず入れてみます。

kyanny@kyanny-laptop2 /usr/portage/net-irc $ sudo emerge -av net-irc/anope

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N    ] net-irc/anope-1.7.20  USE="mysql" 1,485 kB 

Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 1,485 kB

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] 

mysql 依存がある?なんでしょう。入れ終わると、

 * Anope won't run out of the box, you still have to configure it to match your IRCDs configuration.
 * Edit /opt/anope/data/services.conf to configure Anope.
 * !!! ATTENTION !!!
 * Be sure to read Changes.mysql to update your MySQL
 * tables or anope will break after restart
 * !!! ATTENTION !!!

こんなメッセージが。で、 Forum をみると、

First, Services is just as any IRCd on the network in the sense that it connects and it has clients. Services clients are called "pseudo-clients". Pseudo is defined as "In common parlance, the prefix pseudo is used to mark something as false, fraudulent, or pretending to be something it is not, as in pseudoscience or pseudophilosophy." This means that Services clients are actually fake clients, unlike you as you connect to IRC via real client like mIRC.


anope が提供する「クライアント」は架空のもので、実際には mIRC みたいなクライアントを使って接続するよ、と。ああ、要するにこのソフトは tiarra みたいな IRC Proxy のようなものなのかな?どうやら探していたものとは全然違いそうでした。