Lesson 20 Part 2 から。(書きやすいタイプを)一つ選び、一番難しいと思う別のを一つ選び、できるだけ早く書けということで、一つ目は giving instructions を選んだ。仕事柄、手順の説明は頻出なので。これのシナリオは、システムにログインできないという問い合わせへの回答として、調査のために developer tools でログを採取して送ってください、というのを想定して書いた。
Hi Jazz, Thank you for contacting us. I acknowledge that you are unable to login to our system. To diagnose the technical problem, please follow the steps below. 1. Open https://bizmates.jp/ with the browser 2. Open Developer Tools 3. Click "Network" 4. Refresh the page 5. Click "Export" to download logs 6. Reply to this email with downloaded logs attached If you have any questions, please let us know. I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards, Kensuke
Hi Jazz, Thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble logging into our system. Rest assured that we will do our best to get it sorted out. To help us diagnose the issue, could you please follow these simple steps? 1. Open https://bizmates.jp/ with the browser 2. Open Developer Tools 3. Click "Network" 4. Refresh the page 5. Click "Export" to download logs 6. Reply to this email with downloaded logs attached If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to help! I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards, Kensuke
二つ目は writing a complaint を選んだ。感情をぶちまけず、冷静さと礼儀正しさを保ちながら苦情を書くのはバランスを取るのが難しいと常々感じているので。Writing an apology も、内容は重たくて書くのはしんどいのだが、こちらは割と決まり文句を並べるだけなところもあるので。
↓おれが書いたメール。Closing まで届かなかった。
Dear Sur/Madam, I would like to draw your attention to the outage of your website. Since Monday this week, we are unable to login to the system. Therefore, our business is hugely impacted. I would like you to take an immediate action to mitigate the issue. I hope you can fix it before the end of the business today.
- Sur じゃなくて Sir
- I would like you to take an immediate action to mitigate the issue. --> Would it be ok to ask your department to take a quick look at this matter?
Would it be ok~ は、割とネイティブが言ってる・書いてるのを見聞きすることがある気がするし、自分でも時間かけて質問・依頼の英文を書くときは使うこともあるけど、パッと出てくるところまでモノになってる表現ではないなあ。
ともかく、これで一年越しで E-mail Writing 完了かな!そろそろまた Bizmates Program やってもいいなという気分になってきたので、次回からは Level 4 Rank D に入る。