At July 13, I decided to live apart from social networking sites during working time. When I started this challenge I didn't know about the story Trying new things for 30 days
. Anyway, now I did it unintentionally.
It was really effective for me. Here is a graph. The x-axis is date. The y-axis is my tweets count during working time (from 10am to 7pm). After July 13, average of tweets count is less. Spike at July 18 was tweets during RubyKaigi (I did tweet in live :) I am able to concentrate so much more. I could change my life little bit.
Now I'm using get-shit-done for edit my /etc/hosts easily. Sometimes this gives me a strange results, but generally works well. If you have problems about internet addiction, I strongly recommend to edit your /etc/hosts file.
By the way, I use Google Chart Tools to create this graph. In fact, I'm not good at this kind of API. I think it's a weak point for me, but I can't feel interest so much about these APIs like mash-up. This site helps me, thanks a lot.