LinkedIn を開いたら Career Advise を受けようとサジェストされたので試しに使ってみた(無料っぽい)。
書き始めたら興が乗ってしまって、たっぷり 30 分以上かけて Google 翻訳とにらめっこして英作文した。
In recent years, my career has changed to software engineering management. But, to be honest I still can’t like management job. I understand that management is important even for software development, but I can’t feel that I’m doing meaningful things. I can’t stop thinking that working on technologies is more significant for my self growth than management. Fellow tech-leaders, didn’t you have same distresses with me? How did you overcome it?
アドバイスを求める内容(自由記述)に 500 文字制限があって、一部省略した。オリジナルの文章は以下。
In recent years, my career has changed to software engineering management. But, to be honest I still can’t like management job. I understand that management is important even for software development, but I can’t feel that I’m doing meaningful things. I can’t stop thinking that working on technologies is more significant for my self growth than management. So that I still can’t resign myself to being an individual contributor even I don’t write code anymore. Fellow tech-leaders, didn’t you have same distresses with me? How did you overcome it?
resign oneself to doing という表現を知ったので使ってみたかったのだけど。
肝心の機能のほうは、とりあえずポストしてみたけど、アドバイスをくれそうな候補としてサジェストされた人たちがあまりピンとこなくて、アドバイスを求めたくなる気がしなかったので、たぶん反応も無く終わるんだろうなぁ。内容的に Quora とかのほうが向いてるんだろうか。