ミスター獣医と。週末何してた?からの猫が膀胱炎で(cystitis を覚えられてなくて出てこなかった)、とかペット談義をしたりした。
スモールトークが長くなって Lesson 11 の Act と Lesson 12 の Example のみ。でも Lesson 12 の Pre-reading questions でたくさん喋って意見を述べたので英会話の練習にはなっているはず。
語彙不足を補う勉強は Anki を続けられていないのもあって何も取り組めてないので、習慣化ルーチンを減らしたとはいえ英単語の勉強とかは改めて増やしたほうがいいかもしれない。Twitter で見かけた Distinction が気になってるけどちょっと高いような、Duo をやるべきだよなあという話でもあり。
- dermatologist = skin doctor
- cystitis
- She's been having trouble controlling her pee and there seems to some discoloration.
- She seems to have recovered her appetite.
- appetite (n.) = desire for food
- fur = animal hair
- restrain (v) = prevent (someone or something) from doing something; keep under control or within limits
- Level 2 - Rank C - Lesson 11
- Setting up an appointment
- Act
- I think it would be better for me to investigate on-site to be able to fix things faster.
- i should be able to get there before 1PM.
- I’d be happy to investigate on-site to be able to fix things faster.
- Level 2 - Rank C - Lesson 12
- Listening actively
- Pre-reading questions
- How important are listening skills in business?
- What do you think an active listener does?
- See
- Example
- Was Taro an active listener?
- passive (adj)