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- Do you have foreign colleagues based in your office?
- Actually, I'm working from home. because my position is totally from home only. I joined my current company only 6 months ago when I decided to change my jobs. we also have weekly meetings via zoom.
- How do/would you greet them?
- I often, just say Hi and Hello, I can't keep the conversation going unless I've been asked a question.
- How comfortable are you in making small talk?
- To be honest I'm not very comfortable making small talks especially with colleagues before group meetings. because I don't know what topic to start with and maybe because it's a group and most of my colleagues are native English speakers. sometimes when I'm listening when they're talking to each other it's a little bit fast for me to understand so it's hard for me to interrupt. Sometimes when they are talking I tend to just listen so I can be updated of what are topics are.
- • Was this a personal greeting?
- Based on the conversation, it might look personal but maybe just casual. they didn't had enough connection to call it a personal greeting.
- I don't think so maybe they're co-workers but i think in this conversation they are not close.
- Small talk, ice breakers
- The definition of ice breaker is a topic of conversation that eases people into talking with one another
- Hi Victor, How's the weather in your hometown. Yes, it's cloudy too in our hometown and maybe in the evening it's more sunny, it's not too hot and humid it's a very nice day. Hopefully tomorrow would be a greater day for your hometown.
- Hi Victor, Have you watched the Major league baseball game last night. Who's your favorite team? Actually, I don't have any preference for a favorite team. But maybe I like Hiroshima Toyocup. it's a very committed friendly team. There mascot character is a baseball boy wearing a baseball cap. Because most of the Japanese baseball teams are mostly spnsodred by large corporation, it's a strategy they also use to advertise their company's brands. As much as possible they get very talented players and offer them high salaries and benefits. But it's different for Hiroshima's team. they are not supported by big company's but are supported by their cities. But I think they are good enough to become a great team. They also care a lot of their fans, that kind of relationship is really hard to find on a Major league baseball team.
- Have you read the news about Afghanistan. did you also hear that the united kingdom will allow the citizens to migrate at their country.