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Bizmates Program: Level 3 Rank A Lesson 20: Rank-up Test


Lesson 20 の冒頭から。レッスンに入る前に彼がカメラをオフにしたのでこちらもオフにしようか?と確認して、オフにした。しかし回線のラグ(多分体感二秒くらい)は改善せず、彼のレッスンスタイルとの相性も相まってなかなか難しいレッスン体験だった。というのも彼はこちらが喋った内容を全部文字起こしして訂正して訂正後の文章を読ませるタイプの人で、おれはこのスタイルが苦手なのだ。なぜならおれは結構いっぱい喋る(そして文法ミスが多い)ので、訂正の待ち時間が長くなるから。

Lesson 12 の内容を説明して(これも彼がおそらく黙ってこちらの喋った内容をディテーションするのに集中してるからだろうが、相槌がないのも聞こえてるのか不安になるしやめ時が難しいので苦手要素)、訂正をどうにか読み上げたところで時間切れだったのでレッスン終了。終わりのやりとりもラグと画面オフのせいでぎこちない感じだった。うーん、ちょっとリピートは厳しいかなあ。また会いたいよ!と言ってくれたのだが。考えようによっては避けてたタイプで文法矯正というのもアリなのかもだが。

明日は Lesson 13 のレビューからかなあ?それとも Lesson 12 の追加質問からだろうか。出たとこ勝負で。明日はミスクールを予約した。ちょうど明日、一番に知らせたいことがあるので。

  • Hi Ken
  • My bet was MVP to win the race
  • My other bet was WVA
  • How about you? who was your bet?
  • i have learned that how to explain the purpose of meishi koukan in a japanese way. the key is show respect to others specially in the first meeting with the client or prospect. because japanese people treat it the first time meeting as the veyr important event and exect very polite communication in that timing. receive the business card with both hand. when you receiving its better to bow a little slowly and a little deeply. these body gesture express your respect to the counter part specially the bowing is very important and effective way to show your respect. its better to look the business card a little carefully not just put the business card back to the cardholder. it might be treated this person isnt interested in y profile. so to avoid putting this kind of impression to the client. its optional not necessary all the time. but its better to say some comment about his title or department.
  • Better: i have learned how to explain the purpose of meishi koukan in English. the key is to show respect to others specially during the first meeting. The japanese treat the first time meeting as very important and we should be very polite. We have to receive the business card with both hands. When doing so, it is best to bow a little slowly and deeply. This gesture expresses your respect to the counter part specially. its good to look at the business card a little carefully not just putting it in the cardholder immediately. it might give an impression that you are not interested in his profile. so to avoid giving this kind of impression to the client, we should look at it carefully. its optional and not necessary all the time. but its better to say some comments about his title or department than not.
  • i have learned that japanese its good to not start a selling your product or just start having a conversation about business. before that we need to build a relationship. its still business relationship but we need to build a iittle more attachment with our client to get to know each other as a person not just as a sales rep. thats the it is common the first time visit to the client office this isnt kind of opportunity sell or make immediate sell but its more chance to introduce our self as a person and as a rep of the company. after that the second or third visit we can start having conversation about real business. it finds a little redundant for western people like american people but with this additional step we can easily start business with the japanese clients
  • Better: i have learned that for japanese, its good to not start selling your product or have a conversation about business during the first meeting. before that we need to build a relationship. its still business relationship but we need to build a more personal connection with our client to get to know each other as a person not just as a sales rep. it is common during the first visit to the client's office. this should not be an opportunity to sell our products but its more of like a chance to introduce our self as a person and as a rep of the company. after that the second or third visit we can start having conversation about real business. This is a little redundant for western people like american but with this additional step we can easily start business with the japanese clients